
You qualify for the student discount through College Buys
The Foundation for California Community Colleges has negotiated students pricing on many applications for California Community College students; they are sold through.
without a .EDU email address. The price is $44.99 for 6 months subscription. You will need to validate in other ways that you are a student.
With a .EDU email address. The price is $39.99 for 6 months subscription


Adobe Pricing (I do not recommend; the price is higher)
Photography Annual Plan (individual plan, 20GB storage) - $9.99/month ($119.88 total)
All Apps Student Pricing Annual Plan (student plan) - $19.99/month ($239.88 total)

Computer system requirements Make sure that any software you purchase will work with your computer and operating system:


FREE Alternatives to Adobe Photoshop

Photopea - Web-based photo editor that closely resembles Photoshop

Gimp - Cross-platform image editor

Polarr - Multi-platform, more like an app (some control, just not as precise and customizable)

Affinity - this also integrates with Photoshop and has an iPad version


Alternatives to Lightroom

Capture One - very popular with photographers who want to avoid Adobe (30 day free trial)

On1 - another raw editor and effects plugins for Photoshop and Lightroom (A comparison between Lightroom & On1)

Affininity - mulit-platforms. Raw Processing & Image Editing and Retouch

Free Alternatives to Lightroom

Raw Theapee - supports Windows, Mac, and Linux

DarkTable - supports Windows, Mac, and Linux


Apps for Manual Camera Options

Halide Camera - for iPhone (Editor's choice for iPhone 11, 4.6 rating)

ProCam 7 - for iPhone, iPad (current August 2020 updates, 4.6 rating)

ProCam X - for Andoid

Manual DSLR: Camera Professional - for Android (has high rating

Tutorials Steps-By-Step

Photoshop Essentials - Tutorial Site

PSDTUTS+ - Tutorial Site


Video Tutorials

Adobe Video

Other Links

Brush-EEZY - custom brushes, patterns and shapes


Adobe Edge Web Fonts - associated with Adobe CC products
Google Web Fonts - (user friendly, free. you can download or embed code)
Font Squirrel - (100% commercial use, free)

Stock Photos - Free Download, Fair Use

This Blog has a list and description of Free Stock Photo Sites

UnSplash - (easy and fair)

Stock Snap io





Foodiesfeed - food stock photos


Free Stocks - personal and commercial


Skitter Photo

Life of Pix

Little Visuals

New Old Stock - Fair Use old photos on one site (Tumblr)

Pic Spree

iso Replublic - photos and videos

Styled Stock - "feminine stock photos"

Open, Free and Ready for Remixing!
(ART Images)

Open Culture

Google Art Project

Getty - Open Content Image Search

LACMA Collections

Nation Gallery of Art | NGA Images

Project Apollo Archive (space, rockets, moon landing)

Riksmuseum - 125,000 Dutch Masterpieces

Blogs & Magazines


Peta Pixel - A blog that covers current gear and topics related to the broad field of Photography.

Photography Life - fantastic Photo blog that is geared towards Beginners


Copyright Links:

U.S. Copyright Office

Creative Commons

Fair Use FAQ

10 Myths Explained