Complete and turn into the DropBox:
main image file:
lastname_e7.psd (layers)
(flattened by default)
assets folder:
all source images and other files (such as special font files)
6" x 4" @ 300 ppi
Use only the following text (DO NOT USE ANY OTHER TEXT):
Sundance Film Festival
Jan 23 - Feb 02
Park City, Utah
- You are asked to design a postcard for the Sundance Film Festival
- The festival has supplied you with a Video to use in "branding" your layout with the visual language that they are interested in you using. You can interpret this video in anyway that you wish. You can literally use the shapes that are communicated or you can instead be inspired by them.
- You are asked to use at least one of the colors shown in the video. To sample the color, pause the video, take a screenshot (shift cmd 4, drag) and then open the image in Photoshop. Use the Eyedropper Tool, sample the color. Use that color in your layout. You are free to use other colors as well.
You can consult the color groups from the "Color Combinations" pdf in the handouts folder on the Server.
- You may use print res photographic images and/or shapes in your layout.
- Font Face will be your choice. You can download and use unique fonts or use the default loaded fonts on the computers.
You might want to match the font used in the "Visual Identity" video (which uses a san-serif font).
Start your Layout with the Template file on the Server.
Then Save As lastname_e7.psd
Design Suggestions:
* Avoid obvious design choices such as: images directly related to "film" (i.e., film with sprockets, cameras),
or to "sun" or "dance" or images of Native Americans. Try designing so that your layout can stand on its own.
* Avoid overly designed Font Faces. Remember that your audience needs to read the information in your layout and not struggle or be confused.
Visit this link for inspiration:
Past Posters for Sundance:
Posters by Sean Adams
Design by Paula Scher
Student Work:
Jordan, 2018
Sanchez, 2018