Exercise #4 / Research


Compositing is an art practice that combines multiple images together into one piece. This can be accomplished by physically cutting images and collaging, it can involve painting and printmaking. This artform can also be performed in Adobe Photoshop and other types of digital software.
Artists may choose to composite because 1 single image may not tell the whole story that they wish to tell. Their story may be political. Perhaps a parody. It might be surreal and abstract. It might also look seamless and utra-realistic.
Composited work will have varied functions.

You are asked to research an artist that uses Compositing in their work.

I'd like you to find 2 examples of their visual work. This can be conducted via a Google Image search. Because this is for research purposes, you may use which ever copyright restrictions work best for your research (meaning, this parameter can be relaxed).

Research the artist's biography and write a 1 page paper. Please fill the whole page with your research.
On the second page you may insert the images.

Page 1:


Page 2:



Upload your Document to CANVAS

lastname_e4.doc (keep the extension of the program you are using. You can also use a Google doc if you prefer)


If you need help getting started, I can provide a list of artists that use compositing in their work. You may research artists from this list, or use an artist of your choosing.


Oscar Rejlander
John Heartfield
Lazlo Maholy-Nagy
Max Ernst
Kurt Kranz
Hannah Hocke
Raoul Hausmann
René Magritte
Robert Rauschenberg

Nancy Burson
Shana & Robert ParkeHarrison
Teun Hocks
Jerry Uelsmann
Maggie Taylor
Loretta Lux
Erik Johansson
Mike Kelley
Kevin Wisbith

Hollie Chastain
Kensuke Koike
Julien Pacaud
Eduardo Recife