PolyScape Composite

Medina, 2018


Past Student Work Examples

Other Student Examples

Turn in to Dropbox:
folder: lastname_a2
lastname_a2-PRINT.tif (tif saved with no layers & Sharpened)
*include all asset files

You will PRINT and MOUNT this assignment.

Conceptual Considerations:
Your task is to create a composited image in Photoshop that tells a subjective story. This new landscape will be a psychological one. It does not have to tell a literal story, but will be wide open for interpretation.
In addition to possessing a photographic quality, you will also incorporate graphic design elements.

Technical Considerations:


Use each of the following:


Romero, 2018



PolyScape Tutorial - You do not have to produce this style for the assignment. It is an option.

Abstract Geometric Photo Collage

Combining Geometry and Photography

Shapes Tutorials (psd essentials)

Sphere Tutorial (video)

"Abstract Effect" (photoshop lady)

Work that I like and are good examples for this Assignment:
Julien Pacaud
Kazumasa Nagai
sci-fi_art on instagram

On Behance.net:
Philip Hodas
Andreas Levers
Mike Winkelmann
Kirill Maksimchuk

Contemporary Collage Artists:
David Delruelle
Eugenia Loli
Julien Pacaud
Mario Wagner
Tim Spelios

1960's Collage:
Archigram - avant-garde architectural movement from in the 1960's

Bauhaus Collage (1930's):
Lazlo Maholy-Nagy
Max Ernst
Kurt Kranz

Compositing/Collage Surrealist Artists:
Shana & Robert ParkeHarrison
Maggie Taylor
Jerry Uelsmann
Teun Hocks
René Magritte
Erik Johansson

See also:
Juxtapoz Magazine

Lecture Videos


Charles, 2018

Jimenez, 2019

So, 2016